Allen Brokken will be speaking at the Homeschooling Dads online conference, launching June 19. This virtual conference can be attended at any time and the speakers are committed to answering your questions and equipping you to be a better Home Schooling Dad.
Lessons Learned Starting / Operating Enrichment Clubs
As a homeschooling family, it's not always easy to find clubs and activities that meet your children's unique needs. This session will discuss my experience collaborating with other homeschool parents to develop a community First Robotics program from the ground up, and taking on the mantle of an existing home school-focused theatre troupe and scouting program to expand their influence in the community.
Participants will learn the fundamentals of operating an enrichment club including
1. Understanding resources available in your community
2. Developing a Board/Core Team
3. Recruiting and managing volunteers ongoing
4. Fundraising and Budgets
How to Support My Wife in Homeschooling
My wife and I are winding down our twelve-year home school journey with just one of three students left at home. Through that time we've had everything you can think of go sideways, curriculum crashes, co-op collisions, and teenage trauma to deal with. This session will walk participants through strategies we've used as a couple to stay connected and on target to ensure we're training our children up in the way they should go as individuals, including:
1. Making personal headspace for homeschool
2. Couple Connection Points
3. Leveraging each other's strengths
4. Discerning when to lead, follow, or get out of the way
5. Addressing individual children's needs
The conference has a number of other great speakers and sessions and it will definitely be worth the time.
APPLES for the Teacher ~ Davis Carman, Apologia
HEART Exam for Homeschool Dads ~ Davis Carman, Apologia
Rescuing Our Children ~ Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel Media
Biblical Wealth Solutions ~ Jared Williams, Biblical Wealth Solutions
Should Christians Pursue Wealth? ~ Jared Williams, Biblical Wealth Solutions
Lessons Learned Starting / Operating Enrichment Clubs ~ Allen Brokken, Towers of Light Christian Resources
Saturday Morning Breakfast: Thoughts on Leading Family Worship ~ Matt Adams, Ordinary Homeschool Dad
A Conversation Between a Homeschool Dad and His Homeschooled Daughter ~ Greg McKee, Homeschooling One Child
Advancing Homeschool Freedom Around the World ~ Steven Craig Policastro, Jr., International Association for Creation
The Three Best Things I Did as a Homeschool Dad ~ Andrew Pudewa, Institute for Excellence in Writing
The Opportunity and Value of a Home Business When Homeschooling ~ Andrew Pudewa, Institute for Excellence in Writing
Is Homeschooling Just for Women? ~ Israel Wayne, Family Renewal
The Difference Between Schooling & Education ~ Israel Wayne, Family Renewal
Why Homeschool ~ Paul Hostetler, Missionary in Madagascar
Roles in Homeschooling ~ Paul Hostetler, Missionary in Madagascar
How to Find Work You Love ~ Jonathan Brush, Unbound
The Power of Storytelling ~ Mike Curtis, Powerline Productions
Healing the Wounded Heart ~ Mike Curtis, Powerline Productions
Please share with other Dads because to my knowledge there are very few resources for homeschooling dads. Register Here