The Ultimate Superhero Graphic Novel!! In the beginning… Before the first man was created, before the earth, the sun, the stars, even before light and time were created, there was God. He alone existed without beginning, but he was not alone. He communed with himself in harmonious love. But god wanted to share his life. He wanted friends and neighbors. The Bible tells us God created numerous kinds of angelic beings to offer praise around his throne. But this is not their story. This is the story of God working with mankind.
Our popular illustrated "Picture Bible," The Revised Edition Good and Evil: The Ultimate Comic Book Action Bible, has been beautifully colorized by professional artists! This amazing book takes you through the Bible chronologically, retelling key events in an easy-to-grasp illustrated comic book format. Each story page has verse references at the bottom so you can look in the Bible where those events are recorded or doctrinal topics addressed.
Standard comic book dimensions, with 330 pages of fantastic color art created by award-winning artist Danny Bulanadi.
This package includes the MegaVoice Lifelite solar audio book player with the entire book narrated to help students Read While Listening.
Additionally it comes loaded with the:
Towers of Light Series
Adventure Story Bible Series
Songs for Saplings
Sunday School Songs
The Player comes with:
USB Charging Cable
Quickstart Guide
Note: Due to the graphic nature of some of the material, this may not be suitable for all ages without proper parental guidance.
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