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Reading is Fun Day is on April 1, 2024!

Writer's picture: Allen BrokkenAllen Brokken

What book did you love to read when you were a kid? I probably read Battlefield Earth seven times in sixth grade. It was so long that I never quite remembered the beginning by the time I got to the end. Although, Star Ship Troopers was a close second. It's those favorite books that you remember and keep close. I also have always enjoyed reading with my kids. How do you make reading fun in your home? It's not always easy, especially if you have a struggling reader. The trick is to make it something that is not considered a task, or chore, but one that can be enjoyable, fun, and relaxing. Try out one or more of these tips below.

Ways to make reading fun!

  • Let your kids see you enjoying reading. Even if reading isn't your favorite activity, find something that your kids can see that you enjoy reading whether it's a magazine, the newspaper, or your Bible study.

  • Make a special place in your child's room or somewhere in your home that is cozy for reading. Place a basket with a variety of books that you switch out often in that area.

  • Try audiobooks! These can be really great if you are going on a road trip or if you need to give your struggling reader a boost. Reading along while listening will improve any reader's comprehension skills. Plus, sometimes, they're just a fun change of pace.

  • Don't get too caught up on reading levels. If your child wants to pick out a book at the library that you think is too easy or too difficult, let them! Instead, encourage them more by interest and see if you can also find another book that is also in their reading level.

  • Gift your children with books or with a trip to the bookstore.

  • Utilize your local library: Don't just go in and out for a book. Take your time. Peruse different genres like graphic novels, non-fiction, and magazines. Play a game and go to special events like story time or to see special guest speakers.

  • Donate books so that your children can experience giving the joy of reading to others.

  • One of the best ways to make reading fun is to read together!

    • Have family read-aloud time

    • Read daily Bible verses

    • Read the Sunday comics

    • Read a joke of the day together

    • Read directions together (how to build something or how to cook something)

    • Let your kids read to you! Or take turns reading the same story.

  • Once in a while, change where you read with your kids!

    • Reading about camping or the outdoors? Set up a tent to read in!

    • Reading Halloween books? Turn out the lights and read with a flashlight.

    • Reading winter-themed books? Bundle up and read in the snow. (Then, have hot chocolate!)

    • Go read at the park, on your porch, at Grandma's house, or while sharing an ice cream treat!

  • Expand on what you've read! (This is a fun one!)

    • If you have the ability, visit a place like one you have read about. Talk about whether the place is how they thought it would be like or not.

    • Do something that someone did or that happened in the story. Did they cook something, help someone, have a tea party, sell lemonade, make a new friend? The possibilities here are HUGE!

Did you know that people enjoyed reading in their free time in the 1800s as well? They read their Bible, newspapers, and any other books that they could get their hands on.

The better the printing technology became, the more affordable newspapers and books became. At the beginning of the century, there were only 200 newspapers, but by 1850, there were over 2500! The 19th century boasted popular authors such as Charles Dickens, Fredrick Douglas, Walt Whitman, Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Arthur Conan Doyle. Children were introduced to Oliver Twist, Tom Sawyer, Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio, the Three Musketeers, and Robin Hood.


Take a look at just a few of my favorite book recommendations:

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